April 2024 Blog Post:  Spring Awakening-  Embracing Earth, Growth, and Community at Eye Love Plant Lyfe

April 2024 Blog Post: Spring Awakening- Embracing Earth, Growth, and Community at Eye Love Plant Lyfe

Happy Spring Equinox! While the weather might not fully reflect the season yet, the energy of spring is in the air. I hope you had the chance to witness the lunar eclipse in the Full Worm Moon and the transformative solar eclipse the beginning of this month. As we transition from fiery Aries season to earthy Taurus season, it's fitting to reflect on our connection to Mother Earth, especially as we approach National Earth Day on April 22nd.

Astrology + Plants: Finding Ground in Nature 

As someone whose astrological chart is heavily influenced by both Air and Earth signs (particularly Gemini and Taurus placements) my love for nature and plants has always felt innate. Reflecting on my childhood, I recall spending countless hours outdoors, feeling deeply connected to nature. In astrology, earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are known for their grounded nature and affinity for the natural world. Here are some ways earth signs teach us to connect with nature:

Staying Grounded: Grounding practices, such as walking barefoot on grass or sand, help connect us to the Earth's natural energy, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

Natural Treasures: Earth signs are drawn to natural elements like crystals and homegrown vegetables, finding solace and connection in these treasures.

Routines: Infusing your daily rituals with mindful intentionality is key to nurturing both yourself and your green companions. Consider how you can craft new, nurturing routines that enrich your life and your plants.


Spring Cleaning & Plant Care: Turning Over a New Leaf

As we embrace the energy of spring, it's the perfect time to refresh our spaces and nurture our plants. Spring cleaning isn't just about tidying up—it's an opportunity to rejuvenate and set intentions for the season ahead. Here are some tips to get started:

Clean and Organize: Declutter your space, wipe down plant leaves, reorganize, change your furniture layout, or maybe buy new home decor to freshen up your space. 

Prune and Repot: Trim dead or overgrown foliage from your plants to promote new growth, and consider repotting if needed to give your plants room to thrive.

Open Up: Open your windows and let the fresh spring breeze invigorate your home, remove the stale energy and bring new energy and vitality into your space.


Introducing Plant Besties of Chicago: Building Community Together

I'm thrilled to announce that Eye Love Plant Lyfe will be hosting its first event in May—Plant Besties of Chicago! Stay tuned on social media and our website for details on this exciting gathering where we can connect and celebrate our love for plants. Also, I can't wait to meet you all in person and foster our growing plant community!

YouTube Debut: Have you watched my vlog?

Last month, I took a leap and posted my first YouTube video. It was nerve-wracking, but I'm thrilled to have overcome my anxiety and share a glimpse into my life beyond plants. Join me on this journey, get to know me better, and please share your constructive feedback. My YouTube vlogs encompass more than just plants, so I invite you to keep that in mind as you explore my channel. Let's connect and grow together in a space of positivity and respect.

Exciting Projects Ahead: Unveiling New Beginnings

In the coming months, I'll be unveiling some exciting projects that I've been working on behind the scenes. Keep an eye out for announcements in May—it's my birthday gift to myself, and I can't wait to share it with you all!

Until next time, take care of yourselves and your plants. Here's to a season of growth, community, and new beginnings 💚


Follow on social media @ eyeloveplantlyfe



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